
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Challenge #235

School days, school most of North America, the children go back to school today giving moms some needed time to themselves (hopefully to get some crafting done).  And yesterday was Labour Day so I guess the two together mean the summer is winding down here.  But lucky outhern hemisphere, yours is just beginning.  Either way, I hope everyone can find some time for themselves this week and do what you really love to do.

Our photo this week is yet another from our backyard - in particular, our sunflower garden.
The bees are very active right now.  This sunflower is a velvet queen - my husband's favourite.

On to the top three for challenge #233.

(from Facebook)

Really great cards, ladies!  Congratulations on making our top three!  And thank you to everyone who entered either here or on Facebook.  We really appreciate your participation AND your creativity.

Now for this week's challenge.....
The sketch is courtesy of Hillary and he optional theme is SCHOOL DAYS.  Remember though, you do not have to use this theme......let your creativity take you where it may.
And here are the samples from the team:

(Wow!  She made two!)

I am sure you will all agree, these are great cards from the team!  (Some used the theme and some did not)  I know you are inspired by them to create some awesome cards of your own.
Just a reminder, our challenges run for two weeks and you may enter below or on our Facebook page.  BTW, why don't you check our the Try Stampin' - Or Not Facebook page and join in our discussions as well.
Have a great week!


  1. Love all of your samples, ladies! Great inspiration this week!

  2. Thanks for a great sketch and inspiration! I found your blog thru someone who participated in your last challenge...I will be back to check out the next one!


Thanks so much for letting us know how you feel. It is much appreciated!