
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Challenge #190 - Spooks and Other Scary Things

I have to say that I am having a great time during our little October event.  Several of you took the time to hop around and unscramble our words, and, judging by the comments and emails, you had fun.  I let Random Generator pick our winner and it is CATHERINE GRAY.  Congratulations!  Please email me your mailing address so I can send you your prize.

We also had one follower who attempted to guess the identities from the childhood photos.  PETRA HELLER is the brave lady.  Please email me as well with your address and I will get your prize to you.

(This week's fun addition will be at the end of the post so remember to read all the way through.

Now for our top 3 from Challenge #188 ....

Great cards, ladies!

Now for this week's sketch...and a bit of a different twist to the theme.  Our theme is "Spooks and Other Scary Things", a fun one by itself.  But I have asked our designers to go one step further - to create any other project but a card and I am asking you (if you want) to follow this guideline as well.
Our sketch:
And here is what the design team came up with:
(art journal page)

Wow, these "non cards" really rock!  I am sure our followers will be inspired to create their own special Halloween projects.

One more little treat for you, Sara H. also created a wonderful haunted house last year .  Here is the link (if you want to know how to make it)

Lastly, here is our fun, interactive event for this week.  Please email me with your favourite candy or cookie recipe and I will randomly draw one winner for a prize next week.  Entries close on Sunday at 6:00p.m. EST.  I will also compile a "cookbook" with all the recipes I receive which everyone can download next week.  This is open to followers and designers as well.  (my email:  Yummy, yummy!

Have a great week!


  1. can´t believe that´s me was the only one ...
    but I´m happy to be a winner !!!
    Thanks a bunch
    CU hellerlittle (P.Heller)

  2. Congratulations on the people receiving prizes and the top three. Hope to see lots of fun creations this week.

  3. What fun Halloween projects, ladies!

  4. Gorgeous DT Creations!! Love all the unique projects!! Fantastic! Thanks for another fun challenge!

    - Susan
    {Scrap A Thousand Words}
    Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges


Thanks so much for letting us know how you feel. It is much appreciated!