I have really enjoyed our October full of fun (maybe more than you have, LOL). I am going to start the post off with a quick decoration idea which I came up with twenty years or more ago and it is still going strong. I took a log, some paint, a drill and a dowel and here is what I created for my walkway:
Jack-o-lanterns you do not have to worry about scooping the innards out of!
Now, on to our top 3 for challenge #189:
Congratulations, ladies! And a spooky thank you to everyone who participated this week.
Next, we have our recipe contest. Unfortunately, not too many people jumped on my bandwagon. We only had two entries and both of these ladies (Jan Del Bone and Brenda Kroeker) will receive prizes. Just email me your addresses and I will send your prizes later this week when I go across the border. I am going to collect any other recipes anyone may want to send for one more week to see if I can get enough for a cookbook of sorts. Just email them to cherylsteve.robinson@shaw.ca.
On to this week's sketch:
Our last Halloween theme is to use Black, Orange and Yellow (if you want)
Here are the examples from our talented team.

Wow! ladies. Your cards rock! With all these interpretations of our sketch, I am sure you will inspire our followers to create awesome cards of their own. And I for one cannot wait to see them.
Have a safe and spooky Halloween!