Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Challenge 446 - Ends March 8th

Optional Theme: Flower Power

We are throwing it back to the beginning with Challenge #1.
Sorry It was late. I have had the flu and wasnt near my computer.







Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Challenge 445 - Ends March 1st

For this challenge we are teaming up with Double Trouble to bring you a fun challenge. They are throwing our optional themes this challenge. They are...

Thing 1: Trouble Maker
says, "I'm giving you a tall order, but don't let that scare you. Create a Tall and Skinny Card.  

Thing 3Twisted Sister & Twisted Sister's Sister
says, "My instructions are that I have to deliver a tall order. 
How's that possible... I'm short! Help! What can you stack to fill my order? 
 Let's stack it up!  (Examples: books, blocks, cups, ice cream, hay bales... 
you decide). 

If you use our sketch and make it either tall and skinny or create a stack please be sure to link to both
challenges they want to see it over at Double Trouble Too. You may back link to Monday Feb 17th.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Top 3 Challenge 442

Thanks to those that participated in challenge 442. Here is the top 3 from that challenge. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Top 3 Challenge 441

Thanks for all those that joined in our Throwback challenge. I hope you all have been enjoying them as much I have been. Without further ado here are the top 3.