Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Challenge 445 - Ends March 1st

For this challenge we are teaming up with Double Trouble to bring you a fun challenge. They are throwing our optional themes this challenge. They are...

Thing 1: Trouble Maker
says, "I'm giving you a tall order, but don't let that scare you. Create a Tall and Skinny Card.  

Thing 3Twisted Sister & Twisted Sister's Sister
says, "My instructions are that I have to deliver a tall order. 
How's that possible... I'm short! Help! What can you stack to fill my order? 
 Let's stack it up!  (Examples: books, blocks, cups, ice cream, hay bales... 
you decide). 

If you use our sketch and make it either tall and skinny or create a stack please be sure to link to both
challenges they want to see it over at Double Trouble Too. You may back link to Monday Feb 17th.


Suzanne Reynolds said...

Good morning Ladies...we meet again. Kaylin thanks for again partnering with us at Double Trouble and great designs from the Design Team on meeting our requirement of a Tall & Skinny Card and including our optional twist from Twisted Sister "Stack It Up"...it's fun to go out of the ordinary A2 cards. Hope your DT members share their projects with us at Double Trouble as we encourage our DT members and other entrants to share with you at Try Stampin' on Tuesday.

Janis said...

Hooray for a collaboration with Double Trouble!! So much fun. I had a great time with your sketch. I love making tall format cards and was able to use some very pretty scraps and doodads from my stash...always a bonus!!

Great inspiration from your talented team. I am charmed by that sweet little lion on Donna's card and that gigantic pile of gifts!!! Wow....my BD is coming up. I could only hope to get that many crafty gifts!! Hahahaha...but then WHERE would I put them???? LOL..I would FIND places for them. :)

Thank you for this wonderful sketch challenge!! Have a wonderful day.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

Suzanne H said...

I was so glad to be able to join in this month. Wonderful inspiration.

Donna Scholz said...

It's always fun to partner with Double Trouble. Their "Thing 2" and "Twisted Sister" challenge made me stretch outside my A2 comfort zone. Thanks to the "sisters"!!! -Donna